Hello Again!

Hi friends! This blog post is brought to you by Hil, instead of the usual (and highly esteemed) Simon.

Simon is sick and is having a difficult time recovering, so I’m the main server admin you’re going to see around! While no one can fill in the hole that is Simon’s relentless work on our server, I’m going to be doing my best. I’ve added a bunch of new people to the server, so be sure to say hi and offer help to any new faces you see!

As far as current projects, I’m working on our Monster Nether right now, which you can access with the warp Monster Nether or getting to through the Nether portal in Monsterlicious. It’s still buggy, so be warned! In the next weeks the Monster Nether should feature a safe zone similar to that in Monsterlicious, and all the major bugs should be fixed.

With Simon’s absence and one of our regular members needing to take some personal time, we all have to pitch in to fill in the gaps they’ve left. Simon was the main farmer on our server, and we’ve also lost our main diamond miner. When you’re on next, consider utilizing the strip mines under Capital City, or breeding and culling our cows.

To contact me, you can chat with me (PixiP) when I’m online, put a message in my mail box in the post office in Capital City, send me a message on our forum, or fill out the contact form on our website.

Happy Crafting!

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