About Hilmon: Our Manifesto

HILMON is an anarcho-communist server, meaning it holds to the ideals of both anarchism and communism. We have no formal government or laws (though we do have guidelines!).  We respect personal autonomy and the relative equality of all minecrafters, and operate on a gift economy — instead of capitalism and wages, all goods and materials are available equally to all minecrafters.  The same can be said for the means of production: they are for all of us to use.  On Hilmon, there is no private property, but we retain respect for the tools and structures that members use and create.  We follow the guiding principle of communism: “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

Despite the unique structure, our server isn’t an extremely political environment — it’s our creative space.  Hilmon was made to be a safe getaway, a place for friends to meet and build together, and we talk about our lives and support one another while we play.  We welcome players of all skill levels*, and we do not tolerate discrimination or bigotry.  Hilmon is a safe place for multiples/people with DID, abuse survivors, and trans people of any gender.  Meninists and anti-social justice activists need not apply.

We at Hilmon are deeply against oppression and violence, and as such we are not supportive of communist regimes with a history of genocide and tyranny.  We refuse to condone the destructive acts of those people, no matter the name of their governmental system.  As such, we will be carefully screening people who express loyalty to oppressive leaders like Stalin.

*Hilmon is not currently accepting members under the age of 16.  Our membership is largely comprised of adults and for your safety and ours we are excluding younger players.

How it Works

Hilmon is a survival mode server running on Spigot with EssentialsX.  That means you don’t need anything special to play.  Many of us like to use Mizuno’s 16 Craft to make the game a little prettier, but it’s not required.  It’s a 16-bit pack so it won’t slow your computer down.

All farms, amenities, and resources are available for use by every player.  We ask that citizens contribute to the necessary work as they are able — farming, mining, etc — so that the community continues to run smoothly.

Hilmon has its very own Discord server.  In addition to hanging out, it’s useful for sharing assignments, requests for help, and cool screenshots of your latest building venture.  It’s also a great way to get in touch with the ops even when we’re not actively playing.  Ask any op or player for an invitation.

Hilmon currently operates with no scheduled downtime.  Our operators live in the US, and are most frequently on between 3pm-12am PST, but members are welcome any time.


  • Respect your fellow citizens.
    • Harassment and discriminatory language are unacceptable. **
    • Be kind and welcoming to all people, regardless of experience or skill level.
    • Ask before tampering with or building near structures others have created.
    • If others are stockpiling resources for a project or using mounts or specialized tools, please ask before using them.
    • Speak kindly of others and their work, and avoid offering criticism unless asked directly.
    • Resolve disputes with direct respectful communication.  If you want assistance or mediation, the server ops would love to help you.
    • No griefing or pranking, even in a spirit of silliness.
    • Members reserve the right to remove you from the server for IRL abuse and harassment.
  • Be kind to our landscape and natural resources.
    • Major alterations of the landscape should be done well away from others’ building projects.
    • Be cognizant of your use of non-renewable resources.
    • Avoid hoarding limited resources; remember that all resources are available to every player.
    • Leave unused wild spaces in good condition for others to use and enjoy.  If you need to damage the landscape to collect resources, try to keep the damage localized.
  • Contribute to server functions.
    • While there are no mandatory chores or duties, please be mindful of all who use the resources.
    • If you deplete resources, replenish them as you’re able.
    • Participate in upkeep chores as you’re able.
    • If you’re able, help to create and maintain infrastructure.


**Hilmon is largely populated by adults, and sometimes swearing and NSFW discussions will occur.  However, if you find a line of conversation triggering or upsetting, please speak up.  We are committed to protecting marginalized people and trauma survivors as best we can.

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