A Fresh Start

Hello, everyone!

We’re finally on the road to recovery from losing our technical support last fall.  After some debate we made the hard decision to change the way Hilmon works in order to be flexible with our resources.  The good news is that means we’ll be moving forward without so much breakdown, but the bad news is that we’re not going to be having as many flashy plugins.

The big difference? We’re starting new from scratch.

Since Hilmon’s inception 2 1/2 years ago, there have been four major updates to Minecraft that have significantly changed the landscape.  We had no idea that our little four-person safe haven would grow so big so fast!  So it’s time to start fresh and make a world for us all.

We’re all going to have to band together to make a new home and give us the kind of resources we had before, but I think for the Hilmon family that’s just another fun adventure.  The new Hilmon is now running only one plugin, EssentialsX, which we will be learning as we go.  (Technical help is always welcome!)  Because of this, you won’t be able to access the old worlds, and we will have monsters in Hilmon’s main world.

Now that the server is up and running, we’ll be responding to new member applications starting this next week.

One last little point of business — SimoncelloTesla is now HawthornePaws.  That way, when Simon’s not available, other Hawthornes can step in to lend a hand.  We’ll all try to live up to their standard of friendly help while they’re away.

Happy crafting!


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