Thanks for your patience!

Hi, everyone, thanks for being patient while the blog goes silent for a bit.  I’ve had a series of health issues, and then some work to do, and now the entire pacific northwest is on fire so I’ve been laid out with smoke-induced migraines.

Needless to say, we keep trucking along!  I’ve got a couple more members to add today, so if you see new faces, as always, please say hi and be welcoming. 🙂

Thanks, everyone!


Still Kickin’

Hi friends!

This blog post isn’t brought to you by Simon, as usual, but Hil! I don’t know if I’ve posted a blog post before, but you can learn more about me on the Op page. I do a lot of the fancy back-end server maintenance stuff and also fiddle relentlessly with our texture pack.

We’ve been busy with our own personal lives the last few months, and there haven’t been a ton of new things added, but I just wanted to let you guys know Simon and I are both still putting our time and energy into Hilmon, and the lack of blog updates is simply just a lack of blog updates. Really excited to see you guys on Hilmon and working on awesome projects with everyone!