Capitol City is nearing completion

Hello again, comrades!

I haven’t been posting here because I got caught up in the city construction.  The last couple weeks have seen almost all the major buildings in Capitol City springing to life, and in a couple more weeks it’s going to be done!  Almost everything is moved into its final location now — today I’m converting “Pizza Hut” into the forge & armory — and there are lots of new things to see.

The handiest new feature that we have is our new Volunteer Center!  You can look to see our present server needs and the needs of your fellow citizens — if we all take a job now and again the server will keep running smoothly.  Of course, there are always standard chores to do — farming, breeding livestock, shearing sheep, etc — but this way if there’s a need you can find & fill it!

We’ve also added 3 new members since the last post, so if you see a new face please say hello and give them some help.  When the server’s in a little better shape we’ll look into adding it to server lists, etc, but we promise that we’re going to continue screening and making sure that the server is a safe place for our members.

Happy crafting!


The city is taking shape!

Things are humming along with the Pangaea Seat reconstruction, and so far it’s looking great.  The roads have been laid down, the castle is blocked out, and all the city buildings have been placed — some have even been constructed!  That means that things keep moving, and unfortunately it’s getting hard to keep everyone up to date on it.  There’s some signage, but for now you can expect a little chaos as we transition.

We’re looking to name all the roads, and anyone who wants to contribute to the city is invited to talk to Ben, Hil, or Simon.  We’d love your assistance!  If none of us are on, please leave us a message in the post office.

I’ll be going into more detail on each new feature as I go, but for now, here’s an outline of where you’ll find all the important amenities when we’re done.  As each building is made, we’ll move that amenity into its final location.  There is limited local storage for goods by each farm or related fixture.

Teleport pads are in the castle entry hall — every entrance leads you there.

The post office/public notice board is under the castle courtyard — access doors are on either side of the steps in the entry hall.

Central storage is accessed by teleport, and that pad will be moved into the Commissary, the source for local food supply. (north lawn)

Enchanting is in the library; the lower-left bookshelf has a hidden chest for lapis (north lawn).

The anvil, furnaces, and tool, weapon, and armor storage will be placed together on the block where the “pizza hut” pavilion is now. (north lawn)

Farms for crops and livestock are all on the south side of the mountain now; rainbow sheep, cows, chickens, and pumpkins are closer to the mountain, and the rest are farther south.  They’re all connected to the road grids now.

The newly expanded stables are in the same location, on the north lawn.  Check out Willow’s door-free containment system!  Kennels will be in that area.

The strip mine and nether portal are still accessible in the castle, though less directly — come in the east entrance and take the stairs down (third opening to the right).  In the future, a more ornate mine will be accessible just north of the stables. (north lawn)

If you have questions, want something included, or you’re interested in helping, please send us an email or leave a message in the post office for us.

Happy exploring!
